Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Welcome one, welcome all....

First I would like to extend a warm welcome to all members of my family for gracing my dream with their presence for the first time. Yep, pretty much all of them made it... let me explain.
I find myself in spectator mode for this part of the dream. I am way across the street facing a massive warehouse. Actually, it would be better described as a hangar and a massive hangar it was. Whoever they were were building this top secret weapon of some sort and it had to be huge to be built in something like that right? Damn right! Let me try to explain what it looks like. Imagine a huuuuuuuge mechanical manta ray with flapping wings and a flexible tail and you are pretty much there. When I say huuuuge I mean as big as a frickin Boeing 777!! It was supposed to the latest and greatest sea-faring invention of all time, but with serious destruction capabilities.
Of course the behemoth developed a mind of its own and went crazy.
Now we go back to my spactator mode, where I see this mechanical manta burst through the front gates and charge down the highway with no wheels I might add (it being made for the sea and all). Somehow we find out that it is going to show up at a certain location at a certain time for this big showdown and here we are all excited and looking forward to it as if it was some damn fireworks show. Here is where my family and some old friends come in.
First, the new location. Picture an island, with your house on the top of the highest hill overlooking the entire coastline of beautiful sandy beaches and beautiful torquoise water. The showdown was supposed to occur right at the beach at the base of our hill and we were perfectly placed. Despite the threat of death and destruction, all our family members showed up one by one, Uncle Fouad, Bunty, Penny etc to watch the show. I remember us all sitting on the grass with our plates on our laps, eating dinner and waiting for the manta to show up. Even a few friends from boarding school showed up, which was strange but was nice at the time.
Sorry to disappoint you folks but I woke up before the damn thing showed up! It's just that the whole dream leading up to that point was very interesting. Wish I was more artistically inclined, then maybe I could have drawn alot of this for you rather than try to explain it with my limited use of the english vocabulary, but what the hell.... it is only a dream.

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