Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My Own Personal Music Video!!!

Holy crap people. I just had what appears to be my first music video dream! It was pretty weird actually. I was on this train..actually I was at the back of the train hanging on to the railing for dear life while it was moving at what seemed to be fast forward pace. Sometimes I was there hanging on getting yanked left and right as the train made ninety degree turns at super speed and during others I seemed to be watching the train from behind (sort of like helicopter view) while it was speeding along the tracks. All this time I was listening to this song, "Innocent Man" by Mark Morrisson. Finally the train stopped and I got off supposedly going somewhere cool coz I felt pretty damn happy. I then saw this buddy of mine from boarding school chilling on the train and eating. I kept telling him to join me but he just flat out refused. Woulda kept on going but some jackass from India called me at just that moment (4:45 in the goddamn morning!!) I didn't pick up the phone but my dream was spoiled... thanks jackass... whoever you are!


Indo Dreamin' said...

I know why you are having happy dreams. because you are kicking my as in chess now!

Devilish Angel said...

What if the person didn't really call from India? Lol yeah it's annoying to be woken up from a wonderful dream by a PHONE CALL!!! But hey think about it...If you hadn't got the phone call, chances of you NOT remembering the dream at all would have been REALLY low...So think positive :p

~The optimistic DA ;)

Devilish Angel said...

I mean really high...sorry.

Indo Dreamin' said...

vy? small bway e grow?