Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I'm back.....

What funky dreams i had last night people! The first was close to being a nightmare but i can't remember some details of it already. It took place in my house actually. Shit, I can't remember most of it. All i can remember is that there were a group of really disfigured people after me. There was this one fellas who had sort of another face sticking out of his neck. Something out of "Alien Resurrection" (the scene where the show the previous failed cloning attempts). Anyway, let's just move on shall we?
The second dream was most definitely a sci fi dream. (I love these ones!)Seemed more like a sci fi video game actually. I was in this fighter jet/ship whatever in space smack dab in the middle of a galactic war. It seemed there were very few of us and hundreds of enemy alien ships. I was just goin wild firing at anything and everything in sight. I realized I was running out of bullets so of course the logical step was to do what we do in video games right? I find myself in another "room"/"galaxy" or whatever with nothing but bullet magazines floating around... all i had to do was fly around as fast as I could and collect as many as i could. You guys know what i'm talkin about right? Sort of like a bonus round or something. Anyway, after stocking up, I find myself back in the thick of things and just start goin wild and blowing shit up. The different types of spaceships i saw were amazing people! I mean I can't even describe most of them. Eventually my spaceship got blown up by what seemed like a female alien so I find myself falling in space with my "machine gun" in hand and still firing away.
I woke up after that... sorry people. Part 2 to follow....:)


Devilish Angel said...

Hey Amit...Lemme tell you a secret..Ok but its not a secret any more then! That female alien in your dream..she's none other than this Devilish Angel you must have heard about!!!! At least you're not a sexist and you have the female's doing the awesome stuff ... even if its just only in a dream :p

mogs said...

heavy duty dream how did it end...did you fall to the ground?

AmitD said...

no ground in space brah. i may have fallen off my bed onto the ground though!! haha

Unknown said...

Ouch. Hahaha. Back in action, Amit-man!

AmitD said...

pardon my french...:)