Monday, July 18, 2005

Death in the snow....

Ok ok I know. More death, but what to do? I dream what i dream......
My dream starts off with about 4 of us, myself and 3 random people. We are in this small wooden house in some snow capped region beside a big ass mountain doing some test or the other. We are all pretty into it, debating and stuff when I look outside the window toward the mountain and see this heavy duty avalanche heading our way!! Chale it was serious man! In the dream itself the avalanche was coming in dreamlike slow motion with no sound or anything. Of course, being the dumbasses we are, we make for the exit on the other end hoping to outrun the avalanche! Even in my dreams I'm still stupid...what to do? Anyway, I was spared the hell of actually having the avalanche pound the hell out of us, so we now found ourselves buried in snow up to our armpits. So here we are, glad to be alive and everything, when these two wolves happen to cross our path. Now it was strange coz they were wolves but their faces were more dog like. Imagine a wolf's body but the head of a stray mutt, of course more deadly looking. It was my dream so I should be the one at the back of the group out of harms way right? Wrong! I was bang in front of everybody so the damn wolf was just eyeing the hell outta me, walking slowly with it's eyes focused and mouth closed. Fortunately I had a gun in my hand and was pointing it at this beast and shouting at it to get the hell away coz I didn't want to shoot the poor bugger. Poor bugger my ass! Swine was just 5 feet away from biting my head off so I fired. The damn gun was full of blanks!! The fella behind me gave me his gun (wonder why he wasn't shooting... bastard) and I fired that as well but no bullets. Now I don't remember exactly how I got out of that jam but I did so on to the next part of this gripping tale.
We now fast forward to sometime in the future. There are 3 of us left in this same snow capped region with no food or water and of course freezing our asses off. So, with no option remaining, fellow number 3 turns to cannibalism and attacks fella number 2. While they fighting it outside, I lock myself inside the house and hope for the best. Fella 2 ends up getting eaten of course and what seems like a few months or weeks pass by with me still locked inside the house and the other dude outside waiting for me to come out. Now it's kinda funny coz this is a weak ass wooden house with normal glass windows and even the door has glass windows which can easily be smashed but he doesn't break anything. He only sees the door is locked and cannot come in. The windows had blinds on them so at least i could shut them so he couldn't see inside. I could see outside though and it was scary coz his features changed overnight from a normal looking dude to a stone age looking mofo. His cheekbones were now protruding outwards, his eye sockets seemed to sink in a bit, his hair was long and matted. Scary shit......
Anyway, he's starving and waiting, waiting and starving, while I am also waiting and starving, starving and waiting. Now the house close to a cliff so this cannibal looking mofo is only sitting on the other side knowing I ain't going anywhere else. Of course this being my dream, I manage to get my hands on a rope, so during a heavy snow storm I sneak out the back door, secure the rope and start to let myself down. Next thing I know I hear this roar (or should is say scream) and turn in time to see fella number three 3 flying right by me and crashing way down below. Sorry if it was a bit anti climactic but I guess you had to be there to see how freaky it all was.

To prolong your misery lemme just mention the next dream I had that same night. After the snowy escape I then found myself in the ocean swimming next to this huuuuuge cruise liner. I guess I was entertaining them in someway coz they kept throwing money down towards me. I should have been freaking out coz swimming in the ocean, unable to see anything in the depths below me is not my idea of a good time but I was fine. I just gathered all the wet notes floating around and climbed on board. hehe sorry it's kinda short and stupid but a dream is a dream.

You still awake??


Unknown said... I still awake? That was riveting stuff! Especially first thing in the morning man! You keep dreaming them dreams man! Wow!!! Mangy-mutt looking wolves who won't die because they're being shot at with blanks...not to mention the cannibalism by the compadres. Sounds like the movie Alive. More like a spoof of it really. Good one man.

Another you talk in your sleep? Maybe you can try and get some audio for this stuff!

AmitD said...

I have been known to talk and walk and do some other funky shit in my sleep. Lemme work on that audio part of it... now that would be interesting huh? Audio commentary during the dream.....whooo mama!!!

Indo Dreamin' said...

Damn you Amit! Your freaky dreams are rubbing off on me. I had the most vivid dream this morning. I was in HK (my parents live there) and we were in a hotel. A helicopter came really close to the window outside and it started drawing the curtains shut, from the outside. There were a few of them. So what do I do/ I run for my camera and tell my dad, dude I got to blog this! As I am taking pictures I see that the chopper is about to shoot a missile at us! So I am running around trying to save my parents and the kids and it seems there is a hit on my dad’s partner. I can’t save them all. I am running around and I get my sister out. I don’t know if I managed to saver my folks cause it seems later the hit was on me. Anyways, it way pretty stressful to say the least.

So later on in the dream I am with a friend running through the streets of HK and I can recall riding the huge escalators that my parents have told me about. And get this Amit, I ran into Lalit! Yes from Accra. And even in the dream I looked at my friend and said, oh shit its Lalit. Let’s go the other way. He he he. Even when that guy finds his way into my dream I find him irritating.

AmitD said...

Damn avi!! That is wild man... That actually happened when I was crashing at Irie's place in executive centre. We told you about that helicopter just outside the window right? Wild stuff man... bring more bring more!!

mogs said...

bding visky