Friday, July 01, 2005

My Spanish Family and I

This wasn't particuarly's just that the level of comfort in the dream seemed to be wierd.

So there I was, sitting around a small round dining table with my family. My father, who I couldn't recognize (because he wasn't my 'real' father) was in the middle of saying something. My mother, who I also couldn't recognize (same reason) was glancing at me between listening to my father intently. All the while, I'm listening to my father talk...and he seems to be getting animated, but not really in a "shouting-at-me" sort of way...more like he's really "into" what he's saying. But, I realize, that he's speaking to me in Spanish. Spanish? Well, it sounded like Spanish, and I did recognize a word or two, but most of it was lost to me. However, I could make perfect sense of what he was saying to me. It was a pep-talk, or so it seemed, about me and my life...and how I should 'take the bull by the horns' and all that. And although I couldn't understand the words that were coming out of his mouth, the message was being conveyed rather clearly. Then, all of a sudden, his excitement caused him to stand up...he uttered a few sharp comments rather loudly, for some sort of crescendo effect, and then he proceeded to do a little dance. The moment he got into this routine, we all got up and joined him...and we started to dance in a circle in what seemed to be a very commonly Mediterranean style of dance...round and round. And that was it.

But while the talking, and later the dancing, was happening, I remember that it seemed to be the most natural thing for me. I was just going with the flow and it felt great! The setting too, was rather bleak yet cozy. It was a poor home, with 4 white walls and a old, slightly warped wooden floor with the table to one side of this room that we were in...we danced in a cirlce in the space between the table and what seemed to be the hearth/fireplace/stove area. When I woke up, the first thing I could think about was, "Spanish??!?!?" Wow...


AmitD said...

That's cool man!! It reminded me of a scene from this tv show. Can't remember which one. Anyway, there is this judge who is respected by the whole law community and everything and during some informal proceedings he is talking to a bunch of lawyers and then he turns to this black lawyer and says, "Ok before we start how bout a little song?" The lawyer looks at him all confused wondering what the hell he's talkin about. The judge then says... "You know, a nigger song!!" The thing was, he wasn't trying to be mean or anything, it seemed absolutely natural to him to ask that as if he was back in the old days in the plantation or something. He then goes on to demonstrate what he means by getting up himself and dancing around the table and singing away. It's then that they all realize he's lost his marbles!! It was a really funny scene and your dream kinda brought it back to mind. Anyway, keep em coming man.

Matt said...

I really enjoy this blog. Cool idea, and cool dreams.

AmitD said...

Thanks dude, please feel free to post yours anytime. :)

mogs said...

Rohin...that's a pretty funny dream man...or, different, I should say.

Sounds like it would have been fun to be one of the characters.

And spaninsh? You think you could have been in southern Spain or something?

Unknown said...

Hahaha...Brother Ro, Actually I do think that it could be southern Spain. That's a pretty good assessment of the location if I may say so myself.

And Amit, that was a very apt example, so to speak. It's funny how things like that happen all the time. Even I do stuff like that. Like, I'll meet someone from a particular place...and the moment they say which country they're from I'll be like "Oooh Yes! I know that place...which city are you from?" and if the city matches the city where one other person that I had met ages ago was from, then I'll be like "Wow...I knew this person from the exact same you know anyone by the name....?" Sometimes I think it's a smaller world than it really is....and people think I'm either being prejudiced or a complete idiot...

AmitD said...

haha yeah, in hawaii... i say i'm from ghana... in africa. The dude would then say "oh yeah i know so and so from africa, you know him???"

Matt said...

Here is a dream:

I was walking in a grassy field with some hobbits. There was a large hill of muddy dirt, with sticks and things mixed in. At the top of this mound was a small furry animal. Something like a groundhog, small beaver or something like that. He was opperating some controls, like a crane. He triggered an avalanche that send the mud and sticks down the hill, burrying everything in its wake. Merry (hobbit from LOR) got completely burried, and we had no idea where he was. We were going to try to dig him out, but didn’t even know where to start, and we thought that it would probably be too late anyway, once we started. Then we saw a spot open up in the mud. The hole grew, and Merry was down there, doing fine. A bunch of whitish worms had formed a lattice work structure. They had eaten the mud and formed a structure that supported Merry. He had been carrying the worms with him for some time, a kind of parasite. We came to a decision that our journey needed to continue down the hole. There was a tunnel that had formed that would lead us to where we needed to go. I think the journey was going to be around 6 hours, and it would be tough, but much quicker than staying above ground.

Indo Dreamin' said...

Will someone please preasure Amit to make his move? I am this close to dedicating a blog entry to dissing him. You see this is why he won me all the time in Hawaii. He would take so fucking long to move!! And I know the bastard has been on line too. Its more then four days now! He waits till I lose focus so he can beat me. PLEASE help me guys, send him some hate mail or somthing.