Friday, July 08, 2005

Dream Recorder Chip needed

Damn man...Last night I was having some good dreams....After one really good one, I remember waking up and thinking that I have to remember this one cos its a good one for our blog. So, I said ok....i will write this and that on the blog and .... Then I fell asleep and woke up later and cannot remember the bloody dream now!!!

I know this has happened to you guys man. Damn, am I supposed to sleep with pen and paper now or do I need to install a dream recorder chip in my head!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, before inserting high-tech equipment in 'questionable' places on/in your body, I'd suggest keeping a pad and paper by your bed...the old fashioned 'dream journal' if you will. I think it would be especially useful for you, since you actually thought about writing it down..but unfortunately, went back to sleep. It's all good man...more where that came from, right?