Monday, July 11, 2005

Of pressing matters...

Well, suffice it to say that there are some things happening in my life at the moment which have made me rather hopeful of the near future. I'm due for a further round of interviews for 'a' job. And, therefore, the dream that I had a couple of days ago revolved around this.

So, there I was, feeling a bit ill, and having just opened my eyes a while ago (at 3 am) I found myself drifting off back to sleep...when the dream started. In a very clinic-like environment, with sparkling white walls, I was sitting on a wooden chair behind a big oak table. And there was a man and a woman behind the desk...both clad in the best business attire. Me? I was dressed in my best 'interview' shirt complete with shiny black shoes and 'interview' tie. Once underway, the interview progressed with the usual, "where do you see yourself in..." and "tell me about your last project where..." Then, things got a bit different. Nothing 'freaky', but the discussion got a bit interesting. We started exchaning recipes, and talking about some philosophical stuff, etc. This went on for at least 1/2 an hour before I finally woke up.

As an afterthought, I was wondering about what the reason for the dream was. No doubt it's been on my mind, but what did it mean by the entire thing breaking down into a very nonsense discussion?


AmitD said...

Damn dude... that is pretty funky. Maybe it's because you are hoping to hook up with a company that gets shit done but at the same time is not an informal assembly line sort of company. Maybe a company where the bosses are cool people who encourage employee feedback and make the employees feel part of the family. Hell I dunno man... that's what it sounds like anyway. Had a nice one last night but forgot it when I woke up.
It's funny how you know you had a nice dream but you just can't remember what was so damn nice about it. Bastard dreams!!!

ival said...

Dude, You cant say it took a nonsense direction. I think it took a good direction man. It was not just business you know. The interview process involved more than what was on paper. It involved what you are as a WHOLE person...with thoughts and aspirations and recipes of course!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the encouragement and moral support. I think it would be great to be in an interview like this where you can just really be yourself. However, unless you're interviewing to take over some company as CEO, most interviewers really don't give a fuck. So, here's hoping for the best...interview is at 11pm tonight...coz they're calling from London, for a job in India. It's a small world?

Indo Dreamin' said...

Dont forget to wear your shiny shoes... Good luck.

Unknown said...

Well, they'll be the luckiest pair of "shiny shoes" if they manage to hep me land the job after this 'telephonic' interview! Thanks's the thought that counts.

ival said...

Good luck yaar and make sure we get a play by play of the interview on your BLOG...

mogs said...

Yeah Rohin,

How did the interview go?

Indo Dreamin' said...

I was trying to make a joke yaar...

Unknown said...

Hahaha...I know yaar Avi. Chill... What to do, I am like this wonly.