Monday, June 20, 2005

A bit of nostalgia...

A bit of a dream that I had last night...and an even smaller bit that I remember. It deals with friends...people I haven't seen in over 7 years. Well, that was the first part of it...what's with these soap opera dreams I tell you!

So, I'm in a room, and it seems like a lunch...a reunion of sorts. But it's not really a reunion, because I don't recognize anyone there. However, and rather oddly enough, I happen to be able to converse with people about my friends from school because they seem to know them...somehow. And during the course of the conversation I ask about a really close friend of mine...who I haven't heard from in about as long...and who I haven't really kept in touch with for that long...and the thing is that he's married and has 10 kids. So, in my dream, and being my usual cynical and obnoxious self, I sputter; sputtering in sheer disregard for this friend, and because of the number 10. But the people I'm conversing with, still can't recognize them, insist that it makes sense because some of the children are his from a previous marriage, and when he tied the knot again there were his new wife's kids too. Damn. And with a rather abrupt ending I found myself in part two.

The people in part two were more recent, in terms of when I knew them. So, we're at this friend's house, and we're waiting outside his apartment. As he opens the door I recognize the face, but "Oh my God!" I think. "What's he done to his hair?" But, it has been a few years, and people it's all good. Turns out he's turned into some kind of rockstar...there's a poster of him and his band on the wall...and I recognize the members of the 'crew'. His crew consists of his girlfriend and a couple of other people I vaguely remember. And that was that. The "we" in this dream I can't really remember, either...but I'm pretty sure I didn't know the person I was with. Oh shit...wait a minute! It was Handa!!! And guess who had a haircut. Damn....sorry, it doesn't help to have to deal with sudden changes like that in a dream.

After waking up, I realized that the people in the 'poster' were all people we used to hang out with in Hawaii...oh, when I say 'all' I mean the two 'other' people in the poster. As for the first dream, I didn't know what to make of it. Wierd and rather inconsequential me thinks.

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