Thursday, June 23, 2005


A couple of nights ago, I had a pretty heavy dream. Even during the day after I woke up I went back to it a couple of times, which I seldom do.

A good friend of mine, someone I've known for a long time, died in my dream. All the characters in the dreams were of current age, and this person was/is under 30, so still relatively young. However, he died, in the dream, almost unexpectedly. I don't remember how, but I think it was from some illness.

And all I remember was that in the dream instead of feeling sad for losing a friend or compassion for his family, I had a heavy feeling of guilt, so intense that it was weighing me down.


Indo Dreamin' said...

People getting shot and now a friend dies!!?? Tell me it wasnt me dawg!

Bro, I had a dream last night where i arrived at a big sindhi sangeet pasty in a suit and wearing 2 different shoes. Like totally different, nothing i would ever wear in real life. But i didnt give a fuck for some reason and I went in. Then all of a sudden I felt self concious during the party. So I woke up this morning and wore my bright red boxer shorts.

Unknown said...

HAHAHA!!! Avi man, that's hilarious stuff!!! Wow, maybe getting shot is an illness after all. Hey, of the two shoes, which one had the harder sole? that you could have taken it off and 'let the slapping being'. Like Amitabh in that movie...forgot the name..."Yeh kya hai?...Kaunsa number?"...that sort of thing.

But Ro, why were you feeling guilty? That's interesting man. I mean, and from a rather strangely academic perspective (read 'nerdy and totally inappropriate', aspiring to be a nerd even!), it seems that you feel in some way responsible, but more because you didn't have the ability to prevent it rather than being responsible for causing it. Woah...was I reading too much into that one? Hmm...ending here before this gets out of hand...