Thursday, June 09, 2005


Lately I have been stressed out with work and the uncertainty of living in Hawaii for much longer. I have been thinking of what would happen if I left Hawaii for good and went back to Singapore or India. Would my friends there still remember me and still value my friendship after all these years of minimal contact? These thoughts have taken over my mind for the last month or two. Some say that your dreams can sometimes take hints from your daily life and your dreams will help in sorting out your thoughts. Others say that dreams are left over thoughts and ideas in your mind that are put together by your mind to make up a story. Sometimes I feel that if you make a conscious effort you can dream about whatever you want. I think that can happen after you have taught yourself the mechanics of dreaming and how your individual mind works. Try it sometime. Amit think about more Sci-Fi stuff and read more Sci-Fi and you will dream more Sci-Fi. You must admit that you are a Sci-Fi buff and you like reading it, watching it, and also play Sci-Fi games. So, naturally your dreams take on the Sci-Fi channel.

Anyway, back to my dream. So, like I said earlier, dreams take after what your mind has been thinking about in day to day happenings. I was wondering what I was gonna do if I left and went back to Singapore, although I have no interest in going back there, I would rather go back to India. So, here I was walking around in Downtown in Singapore and I see a group of my friends smoking, yes they were all smokers (just when I don't want to be in a smoke filled environment, my dreams send me there anyway...). I go up to them and they were all surprised to see me because they didn't know I was back there. They were very happy to see me after all these years. We talked about general stuff and then they were talking about business and they were having some problem with a mailing machine that they had just bought and was critical to their business. They had all setup this business together and were doing very well, but now they had their biggest problem. They needed to get this machine working right away or they were gonna loose a lot of money. So here I was, I told them I had worked with mailing machines before and maybe I should take a look at it. They were surprised and relieved at the same time. So we went up to their office and I looked at the machine and started reading the manual and tried using it and worked. They were all so happy and now they could get back to their business and make a lot of money. Right after that was when I woke up and the dream was over...

I was thinking about my dream all last week and it has so many similarities to my life a couple of years ago. A few years ago I was in the same mind set as I am now....thinking the same things. I was out of school and I didn't have a job and no money...I was thinking about how I was gonna stay in Hawaii, I may have to leave and go home or something. And right at that time, a friend of mine (and ex boss) had a problem with a machine at his office - his business server - and his business depended on that server to work. He asked me to help and I fixed his problem for him once and then twice again, and then advised him to upgrade his machine because the problem would keep coming back. He offered me a job right then and although it was not a high paying job, it paid my bills for then and eventually became a full time, ok paying job.

So, I am a little perplexed right now. Did my mind give me this dream to console myself and ease my stress? Or am I just having this dream because I am thinking similar thoughts as I did back then? Or is it possible that both these situations are real and are moulding my life somehow? Could it be that my mind is telling me that If i left Hawaii, i would get a job easily? I do think that if a person tried his absolute hardest he will definitely get a job no matter where he is. Could this thinking be responsible for this dream? I definitely want to know what you guys think and don't spare me anything...Of course, if anyone of you has a job for me, email me and I will gladly entertain it, hehe!!

- + - Lavi - + -
Hawaii Now...


mogs said...

Lavi, sorry, can't offer you a job, and am not much of a dream analyzer as well, but I'll just coomment anyway since this is about expressing.

From what we've been chatting about recently, and you expressing so much desire for wanting to go back to India, your're obviously starting to dream about such topics. The same happens to me too. When I can't let go of an issue, I start dreaming about it.

Bro, sometimes I feel that one has to take the plunge regardless of the uncertainties that lie ahead. It's scary and risky, and there's a possiblity of losing a lot. But being in a super comfortable situation is not any better than taking a risk and losing. Else, we just end up existing and killing time. Just as nature helped you out to get some income when you needed it most, I'm sure you'll find your feet in new and uncertain situations. You're never really gonna know exactly what lies ahead. You can plan to your best of abilities but uncertainties will arise, so I don't think there's ever a perfect time.

Indo Dreamin' said...

Hey Lavi.. Remember me? Good to see you again man. What I think:

1. You will not loose touch with your real frinds. Here I am in Indo and I am in touch with all my buddies from HI. And if you ever end up on this side you will always have a wing man in JKT.

2. I think if Amit could master the content of his dreams he would be dreaming about Big Titty Hoes and not Sci-Fi.

3. Your dream was pretty intense and meaningful, although at the end of the day I think you should base your desision on reality. But thats just me.

Good luck mate!

Unknown said...

Hey Lavi,

That's pretty intense...and the dream has a happy ending to boot! It sounds to me like you're in a similar kind of place, in terms of your life and thinking. How about this though, the last time you were here, what did you do and what were the results? Personally, I'm the kind of guy who looks at life as an experience...especially when I'm on the verge of passing out, slumping slowly, in a Malayalee-heap, to the floor. Hahaha. But, jokes apart, use the dream to reflect not just on what happened the last time you were here, but also to think about who you are now, and how you're seeing the picture.

The "mind's eye", as you so rightly called it, tends to evolve. It may seem the same, but it never really is. I'm not going to give you some cliched "there are times to follow your heart, and there are times to follow your mind"'s not worth it and it probably won't do either of us any good. But I will say this, you're absolutely right when you say that working hard will lead to success anywhere in this world. But that is what you're doing now, right? And there isn't anything out there to suggest that applying this idea to other places should result in failure...or success for that matter. We simply do because we must...or we feel we must.

In the dream, you heard that your friends had an issue and you stepped in to help them. It's interesting that you say they all started/had a business together...seems like you imagine yourself as a sort of outsider, sort of outside this group of friends or whatever. Perhaps this perception is further reinforced by the fact that you have maintained 'minimal' contact with them. Who knows? But, you stepped in to help, and it all worked out. Everybody's happy...and perhaps that should be something for you to focus on. Being the curious little rat that I am, I would have liked to see more...more beyond the point where you woke up...but I'm sure that's something you'd like to see too. Not very important, just a matter of curiosity.

Lavi bro, there are several parallels that one can draw from dreams...some of us hold on to the parallels, others of us are more prone to dismissing them and carrying on with our lives. There are a million different things that you can do or think about from one milisecond to the next...and each of these adds up to the life we lead; where we've been, where we are, and where we're going. The crossroads are always a dilemma...some get over it more easily than others. So, with that, or on that note as they say, I'd like to leave you with a quote from Richard Bach.

"Bad things are not the worst things that can happen to us. 'Nothing'is the worst thing that can happen to us."

AmitD said...

Rohin I like that quote at the end man. Very nice.
Avi, dreaming of big titty hos in space would probably be about right...hehe
Ro, I think you are one of the few people I know following his dream so you just keep rockin man. I could go into more detail about what i mean but maybe later.
Master Lavi!! I am very happy to see you posting and letting it all out here man. If you can't talk to your friends then who can you talk to? (Wish I could follow my own advice on that one). Many dreams we have I think are randon thoughts generated by our experiences and likes and dislikes but of I think there are those few that do tend to mean something. Those few that do come from some deep desire we have, or deep fear or whatever. I always thought you would be happy settling in Hawaii for the rest of your life but I can see how you would want to go to India. From the talks we had in Hawaii I remember how you used to reminisce about chilling with the boys and eating the sweet indian food at those dhabas and stuff. If there is anybody I would not be worried about settling in a new place it would be you. I think you would be able to do anything wherever you go and you would do well I'm sure.
Maybe this is a good time to seriously look in the mirror and figure out what you really want and where you want to be living for the rest of your life. That could end up being the deciding factor on whether you end up living happily ever after or caught in an eternal nightmare.
Good luck dawg.... and keep em coming.

ival said...

Thanks guys...

Brother Ro, that is sound keep up your end with your dreams brah...they will pay off...I think its very hard for anyone to go for what they desire if one is in a comfortable situation already.

Avi, good to make contact with you again brah. I remember the days we used to have in Exec...But like I said above its hard to do what you want when you are in a comfortable situation. The Reality is that I have a good job, pays me ok, am living a good, healthy life, but my mind is not in it anymore. I long for other things. But such is human nature, always longing for greener grass... I think living and deciding within reality is very important, but sometimes our thoughts, dreams, and some fantasies about Bit Titty Hoes makes us do something different that may take us in another direction. Life is about balance, so maybe there is a balance between Reality and ...shit whats the word for UN-reality....but I think you get what I mean. We need to strive for that balance.

Amit, thanks for your confidence in me man...I try to be that way always....but lately I am questioning myself a lot more. I think the American way of life is getting to me and I need an outlet to vent real soon. Brother RO and I have been talking a lot about it. Maybe some of it will come up here.

Thanks guys, all of you are helping a lot...looks like this blog is taking off real good...

Hawaii Now...