Friday, June 10, 2005

A Physical Experience?

Has anyone ever had a dream that ended in a surprising physical reaction...and for all those of you who're of the 'one-track' thinking variety, don't. Just don't. I'm referring to a kind of dream that I have once in a while, where I'm falling. The falling part is's usually preceded by some floating around or someone making me float around against my will. But it's the falling down that gets to me. When I land, and open my eyes, it feels like I've actually fallen. I can feel the bed bouncing/wobbling as if I've just jumped on it or something. It's a crazy feeling, and it really messes with your mind as soon as you wake up because you're wondering about if you'd gotten up during the dream and just fallen back, or whether its just some amazing feature of the body (kind of like a skill you didn't know you had...again, for the one-trackers, don't!) that is able to send shockwaves through your limbs, so that when you wake up your bed is shaking. I don't know if this has happened to any of you...but if it has please share...or if you know why this happens and the 'scientific' explanation behind it then that would be nice too.


AmitD said...

Yo Rohin...I know what you are talkin bout man. Mine usually involves kicking something. In my dream if it's pretty vivid and I have to kick out at something or someone my leg actually kicks out wildly and wakes me up in the process. I then lie there and wonder if I actually kicked out and it is a pretty wild feeling. A few nights ago I was dreaming and my bro was handing me the phone, he barely touched me and I reacted jerked awake wildly with my hands reaching up in a protective gesture. I think I freaked him out more than myself!!!
The kicking thing happens to me quite a bit actually.
This wouldn't seem out of the ordinary as our body motions are all controlled by our brain and since all our dreams are in our minds I can see how a particularly strong moment in a dream would trigger an instinctive physical reaction out of our body.
That does remind me of a story from boarding school. I was about 12 and was living in a dormitory with about 30 other boys, our beds lined up side by side in 2 rows. Anyway I was sleeping nicely when I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night feeling very hot! Here I am wondering what is going when I see this dude lying next to me. I was ready to explode and kick his ass but then I thought "Hang on..." I sat up and looked around and saw my bed about 5 beds down!!!! I looked at the dude again and luckily he was not awake but was looking might uncomfortable haha. I quietly got out of the bed and tip toed to mine and knocked out. Now that was a freaky fuckin night people. Sleep walking is some dangerous shit I can tell you that.

Unknown said...

Hahaha...that's pretty cool man. "Reach out and kick someone" as they say. I know lots of people who used to do that... And the sleep walking thing too man...never really done it, but I can imagine it can be fucked up. I mean, what if that dude turned around and said, "Why Amit, I didn't know you thought of me in that way?"

I guess your response would've been "I'm not trying to seduce you...would you like me to seduce you?" Alright, I'm just messing.

But it's wierd that the body does that... Wow. I've seen that fact, the dogs at home do that...they fall asleep and then you see them moving their legs like they're chasing after something...and they seem excited apparently. The brain is a stupendous organ...and for some us who've dumbed it down a's just a stupid organ. Damn man, the only question that comes to my mind is why. WHY?

ival said...

Wassup Rohin?

It's really wonderful how there is always at least one person in this blogspot who can relate to someone else's experience. I think we have a good mix of "heads"...haha!

Anyway, I know what you are saying about getting physical. I have dreamt such dreams and have also seen Amit kicking and shit...trying to play football when he is asleep!! I have also seen my cousins talking in their sleep. I actualy did talk in my sleep one time when I was super stressed out in the Military. That's another story...

I once talked to a doctor friend about my "falling" dream as it happend quite a bit and was worrying me. I would dream that I was faling and falling and around me was just black space and what was really strange is there was absolute calm while I was falling...and suddenly my body would jerk and I woud wake up. It has not happened lately though, and I know the reason why...I will get to that in a bit.

When I was younger I used to sleep very soundly cos I never snored, and according to my doctor friend, my sleep was getting very deep and my body was getting completely relaxed. It was getting so relaxed that my heart was slowing down and that was causing the "falling" sensation I was feeling or dreaming.... And when I got to the point where my my heart was so slowed down, my brain would "kick start" it and I would wake up. It seems its a type of instinct for our brain to keep everything going in our body....cos we know what would happen if our heart stopped....not good!!

These days I snore a lot and I toss and turn and so I dont sleep as soundly. I still get good rest and sleep, but not like before. So I don't get that dream anymore.

That, my friends, is a scientific explaination I guess...have your go at it...


AmitD said...

Good stuff lavi, that is some pretty deep sleep you were having brah. I don't think I have ever slept that deeply before. Maybe if I get drunk and pass out but otherwise never before. Lately I have been having dreams but it's been very hard to remember them. I think I'm trying too hard because of this blog and that's probably the wrong approach. So it would be cool if more of you fellas could post your dreams to make up for the lack of mine.

Thanks boys and girls.....