Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Today was a weird one...

I can't remember it too vividly but here goes...

I had a dream.... well part of a dream anyway. We were going on a journey to god knows where when we came across the bodies of people we had known and who had died on the way. Well some of them were dead anyway. They were half buried in huge piles of sand with heads sticking out here and limbs sticking out there. Their eyes were open and the lenses were all white and unseeing. We had to climb over those mounds of sand as there was no other way so we had to make our way over the bodies, stepping on limbs and faces along the way. What a sight that was, but all I remember feeling in the dream was sadness.

One of the faces I walked by happened to be the face of a friend of mine from college, Mike Rodriguez and the odd thing was that his eyelids were opening and closing rapidly but I didn't think much of it at the time.
As we were walking I saw more people with rapidly moving eyelids and they actually woke up!! So i yelled out "Hey some are alive!! Look for others back there!" Unfortunately not all were still alive but a few did wake up. They started forming a line at a tap to wash all that sand off themseleves and there was Mike standing in line ready to wash up. Who then should walk up and stand behind him? None other than Amit Sikand!!! He's another friend from college by the way. They then start chatting like nothing happened.

I woke up at this point already late for work but I made a point writing this down before getting ready. It was only part of the dream but I can't remember the rest. Very weird dream though.

I wish we could record our dreams and watch them again when we wake up... that would be something else huh? Later on I will write down dreams I had ages ago that stuck with me over the years.

Please feel free to write down your dreams no matter what they are!! (This should be good...)


Anonymous said...

hay amit,

I dunno but this sounds more like a frikkin nightmare!!!

Indo Dreamin' said...

dude.. yr freakin me out. i dreamt about some eastern european chicks last night. i think i am getting excited about surens wedding. very x rated.

AmitD said...

It wasn't a nightmare though. It was more a slow and sad movie... sort of like Schindlers List but with a sort of happy ending coz some of the people weren't actually dead. More to come. You guys feel free to put some of your good stuff here.

mogs said...

that's a heavy duty dream bro. How the hell do you analyze something like that.

AmitD said...

Avi, here's what you do. If you have some x rated dreams post them here. If you have some x rated reality then post it on your blog site ok? Whatever you do, just post it somewhere you hyea???