Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Queer Dreams

For those of you who are straight, have you ever had a 'queer' dream? I have and I vaguely remember 2 of such dreams. I'm not gonna go into details, so don't ask.

The 2 dreams that I remember are separated by a time frame of several years but the most recent one was just a while ago.

After I woke up, I just lay there thinking why I would have such a dream but I didn't resist it. It was more of a curiosity.



AmitD said...

Ro, i like what you said about "not resisting" the dream. I guess sometimes our minds need to play out a scenario or venture into new territory to seek some sort of answer to a question we did not realize we asked ourself. I am no Freud, but i strongly agree that dreams sometimes reflect what we may want our reality to include.


Unknown said...

Pretty intense Ro...even without the details. And sometime we tend to pay attention to the details like what we dreamt, who else was there, and when it happened, how long ago etc. The mind is an interesting thing...wonderful or destructive, but equally inane at other times. And...uh...about dreams being a way in which we attempt to include things and imagine scenarios that don't happen in reality...well, I feel it's more a sort of pot pourri in the head; your mind 'messes' with all sorts of permutations and combinations and it's more an interesting experience than an omen. That's my opinion anyway. On that note, that was real brave of you to tell us about the 'queer' dreams Ro.

Indo Dreamin' said...

ro, did you wake up with wood? and did you spank your monkey? do you want to have a man on man experience in reality? I think amit was propositioning you.

AmitD said...

avi you bastard taht was sumi not me goddamit!! but did you get a woody? be honest now....
sorry brah...haha could not resist. I have never had a queer dream that I can remember anyway. I had a wicked dream last night and thought to myself to remember but I could not when i woke up! was so pissed off!!

ival said...

I applaud you brother Ro...It takes some balls to do what you did man! I think its a step in the right direction and an example to the rest of us. We need to be able to totally open our mind out to everyone so that we can give and get whatever we get(need or want) from this BLOG. By posting our dreams and thoughts in an unbiased or "untainted" way, we will be able to really get accurate responses and interpretations.

Let us strive for that.


ival said...

Brother RO, I came back to this post to see if you answered Avi's and Amit's questions??

I guess you have not let it out yet....Bro did you get wood??


mogs said...

Well, to quench your curiosities, my johnson wasn't saluting me by the time I awakened.

I don't know what it's form and function was while I was asleep and having that dream.

Actually, those good ol' days when little Ro could rise with the most minimal of efforts are becoming distant memories. We are not bachas anymore, no?