Thursday, June 16, 2005

A wierd one...way back in the day...

Before I begin, I'd just like to say that although Ro did talk about how dreams are usually wierd, I did think the title was a bit redundant. But, having said that, I just thought that I'd talk about a dream that I recalled...especially after the "Vin Diesel" dream (but he's not in this one).

This was about 2 or 3 years ago...and the crazy thing was that now that I think about it, it was actually quite freaky! So there I was, sleeping on the couch in the apartment on Ohua Ave. as usual. Again, I think I had an open-eye session. Well, there I was, eyes half open, and was a series of dreams...I remember the first one kind of vividly, the second one not so vividly, and the last one not at all...but there was one common element in all of them. There was an insignia...and for the life of me, while I was in the three different scenarios, I couldn't figure out what it was.

The first scenario began with a rather dark night. There were torches ablaze to provide the people present with light, and the overall scene seemed to be from something out of The Gladiator. No, no Russell Crowe (sorry to disappoint), but it was the soldiers, who were assembled in splendid outfits who I first noticed. Crisp military suits with a slightly teal-ish hue to them, polished shoes, and all dressed up and at the ready. More like a parade...or a 'showing/presenting of the guard' type thing. I was a participant in the dream and there were people who'd come up to me, salute, and carry out whatever orders I gave them...except I couldn't make out what I was saying to them, or what they were asking/telling me. As I paced up to an opening in the formation, I was approached by two more soldiers. Suddenly, as the conversation got underway, the perspective changed. I was now directly above them...bird's eye view. And, they all seemed to be standing on some kind of logo/insignia. It was like a scene straight out of WWII...just before the Fuhrer came out to address his audience. But I couldn't figure out the insignia...and then I moved into the second scene.

The second scenario, I vaguely remember, but it seemed to be some kind of super secret underground lair. Again, and since Amit mentioned Vin Diesel I've been tying these scenes to movies I've seen. Well, for all intents and purposes, the scene was like the one in True Lies, where Arnold and Tom (Arnold...sheesh) walk into an innocuous-looking building and wind up in the middle of some kick-ass high-tech military installation...headed by Charlton Heston!!! Anyway, a similar scene ensued with unintelligible conversations and all that, and again the perspective change...followed by the same insignia...exactly the same!!! Like the first dream, or scenario, I couldn't figure out the insignia. I wasn't sure if it was a familiar one that I'd seen before, or if it was totally made up.

Thinking about the insignia after I opened my eyes the following day (opened them fully, mind you) I was amazed/shocked/horrified/confused/astounded/.... It was, in fact, an insignia that I was quite familiar with. In fact, during the second scenario, I was wondering why the insignia looked a little out of know, everyone in black or grey suits, spotless, white walls, etc. And, there was this insignia with a whole lot of color...looking serene, yet menacing, yet somehow comforting and soothing. As I gazed on the wall, there was a wall of the ones that Rishi had brought with him from Delhi. It was an extremely colorful one with splashes of all hues and shades combined into one psychedelic masterpiece, and it had a large symbol at its center - Om. For the rest of that day I was thoroughly perplexed, wondering about whether or not it meant something, or was it just a random assortment of things that came up and manifested themselves in this way. Damn...pretty intense I thought. And the most important thing for me to figure out, or so I thought, was how this symbol, this divine and all encompassing symbol featured itself in the Fuhrer-like dream...or in any of them for that matter.


AmitD said...

Damn Rohin, to spend one day in your head must be like Alice in Wonderland or something!! hhehe. Those are some mighty interesting dreams you are having there my friend. I can only imagine what your wet dreams are like!! hehe

ival said...

Amit you need to get laid man...

Mallu, you been thinking about religion a lot lately or no? Looks like the message could be that religion is the "opiate of the massess"...ha...took that one from somewhere. But seriously, the religious, and structural overtones may be sending a religious message. Thank about it and let us know what has been happening in your life with regards to religion and stuff...

mogs said...

Rohin bro,

You're a good storyteller I must say. I was getting goose bumps as the climax was approaching. Plus, am at work reading these dreams. I don't think I've ever been so focused at work...intently affixed (is that a word)? at the computer screen.

Unknown said...

Thanks guys...for the compliments. About the religion thing Lavi, I'm going to post something about it on my blog...but that was a good question, and I thank you for asking it. It got me thinking, and the thinking was something that I needed to do, especially along these lines. Ro, thanks for the 'good storyteller' compliment. And I'm happy I was able to bring additional focus to your work. All work and no play makes Ro a dull boy. And Amit, here we go with the celebrity reference again. Alice? Alice? Who the *#$& is Alice? Hahahaha. Let's just call it the uhfortunate/unholy combination of 'past mistakes' and a somewhat 'perturbed past'. Although, it wouldn't really be fair for me to call them mistakes or use the word perturbed. All in my head......poor Alice!

ival said...

Alice in wonderland??!!?? Many people have fantasies about her and Little red riding hood. Some couples into that kind of thing act that shit out in role playing. Come on Rohin, spank that Alice bitch....she wants it...