Saturday, June 25, 2005

Guns don't kill people...

...People who dream of guns kill people.

There we were, four of a basement parking lot. Well lit area...but not a car in the lot. And a couple of us (can't really remember if I was one) were security guards. And we were just joking and killing time, as we're wont to do. And suddenly, the dream took a turn for the bizzare. Guns appeared. Nothing violent really...they just showed up and we decided to use them and take a few shots against the far wall of the lot. And the God...the guns looked like something out of Quake or Doom...huge things with every imaginable projectile/arsenal...semi-automatic, rocket launcher, grenade launcher, you-name-it-I've-got-it all rolled into one. And then, it was my turn. So, I stepped up, and decided to try the grenade launcher attachment/part/whatever. Being the first one, no one really said anything to me...just "be careful." So, I held it comfortable...took aim at a spot on the far wall...and pulled the trigger. "Cha-ching" went the gun with a somewhat deep voice, being a grenade launcher and all...out popped the grenade...flew straight to the wall...and hit the target.

Then...then the dream got interesting. After hitting the target, the grenade rebounded all the way back to me. It hit me on the shoulder, and dropped right next to me. A little dazed because of the radical change of events, and because I was just curious to see what happened next, I stood there staring down at the grenade...rubbing the spot on my shoulder where it hit me. Then in a sudden flash of brilliance, I realized what could happen, and I took a couple of steps towards the nearest pillar and dove behind it... a la Last Action Hero. Didn't think much of it at the soon as I woke up, rather. But then, it dawned on me. In life, I'm very prone to just saying "What the hell" and doing something without giving it a second thought. This is very different from the kind of person that I normally am...the reserved, calculated person who likes to analyze and re-analyze situations/scenarios etc. to death, before finally going out there and doing something about it. And, when I do jump into something, whether individually or in a group, I usually end up being the first one to do it and to make the 'classic' blunder which may or may not be talked about for years to come. So, why did I do that again with a grenade launcher? Or, is the significance of the dream that I was a security guard in a basement parking lot?


mogs said...

That's hilarious man. The sucker bouncing back to you and you calmy staring and observing it....I guess in this case, reaction is needed.

It does somehow portray a sense of trust though, coz eventually, you did run for shelter, but you just took your time in doing it....went with the flow shall we say.

Unknown said...

Yeah, you're right. I guess my problem has always been a slow reaction. I mean, there are times when I'll like mock-shadow box (sheesh...pathetic I know) and do the whole float-like-a-butterfly-sting-like-a-bee. But when it comes down to it, it's more "Duhhh...."

Maybe it's me going with the flow...but my mind not being in it...I mean, I can't remember if everyone else in the dream took cover or not. Maybe it's how I perceive myself in certain situations where I might be taken advantage of. Like, "Hey, why don't you test out the grenade launcher...while we watch on a screen in another building?" Hmm...nice me thinking again.